Tuesday, February 12, 2008

staying (or getting!) fit

Our "Just Ask Mom" question this month is for me personally: How do you stay/get fit? I don't even have an idea to kick this off for this month -- the treadmill in the basement has become a clothes rack and some days we can't even get outside for a walk. Have you joined a gym -- perhaps one you would recommend? Have you joined Mary Van's walking group? Have you found a way to work out at home -- and how do you keep the little one(s) occupied while you do it?

Use the comments section below to give me your ideas (please!), and check back here for more ideas from other moms. And watch for some of my favorites in our upcoming newsletter!


Gavin said...

My husband gave me a medicine ball (I know...very romantic) for my birthday. It is a small weighted ball that came with several exercises. I do the exercises in front of the T.V. during Gavin's nap while I watch "Ellen". I have been very sore from the exercises so I guess that means that they are working! You can do sit ups, squats, and arm exercises with the ball. I also do the DVD workout called "Mommy Baby Body Builders". It is a workout that you can do with your little one and Gavin really enjoys it. He thinks that I look pretty funny trying to do all the moves. It is interactive and it's a good strength training workout. You use your baby as a weight and as resistance. When it is nice outside we go for a run/walk in the jogging stroller...that's my personal favorite!

Ginger said...

I've been doing a pilates dvd in the basement while Jimmy plays next to me. He laughs at me but it's better than just sitting there! We also JUST joined the Wash Sports Club in the Bradlee Center... let me know if anyone wants to go work out together. They have childcare available M-Sat 9am-1pm for $3/kid/hour.

Kelly said...

I go to Stroller Strides (www.strollerstrides.com). There are classes every weekday morning. In the winter they are held at Landmark Mall, TJ Center, and a few other places. In the summer they are right here in Fairlington (meet at the soccer fields). The one-hour classes are done while pushing the kids in a stroller and it is a great way to get in shape, socialize with other moms, and get the kids out. Jen Strach, another Fairlington MOM, is one the instructors and she teaches a GREAT class!

Anonymous said...

I belong to the Bally Total Fitness at Pentagon Row, which has a cute, brightly lit daycare center. I had to wait until Declan was a year of age and walking before he was allowed to come to the daycare, but now that he's old enough, he loves it. The center is run by an older woman named Miss T who is very fun and warm, and at other times a young college elementary-ed major named Lauren runs the place. They're both very sweet and good with kids.

I also love to power-walk with the stroller, and if anyone ever wants to do so, let me know!

Jenn said...

I am so excited about this topic! I know getting in shape is definitely more challenging with a child, but it's totally possible, and I have a lot of ideas...
#1- Stroller Strides. It is a great fitness program for Mom's that they can do with their babies. It is a 1 hour class for Moms with intervals of cardio and toning. The kids hang out safely in their strollers and we entertain them with songs and they get to interact with the other kids. In the warm weather, classes meet right in Fairlington at the community center. During the cold months we meet at Landmark Mall and the Thomas Jefferson Community Center. It is a fun way to get a great workout and to meet other moms.
#2- Walk or run with the stroller. I don't think I ever walked as much as I have since Maya was born. Sometimes I will grab a friend and walk around the neighborhood. When the weather is nice I try to avoid using the car and walk to Shirlington, the Bradlee Center or the Fairlington Centre to run errands. We are lucky that there are so many stores, banks, etc. so close!
#3- Playing with your child is a great way to burn calories. We turn on the music and have a dance party. I'll dance like I am a crazy kid again and get in some cardio time. We also play tag or chase with each other around the playgrounds or in the common areas.
#4- I haven't done this yet, but you can join the Arlington County Fitness Centers ($145 for a year). There is an indoor track and the Thomas Jefferson Community Center and you are welcome to bring the stroller in to walk or run laps. I have also seen mom's park their strollers next to the cardio and circuit training equipment while they are working out.
#5- I have noticed that Arlington County offers a bunch of fitness classes that mom's and kids can take together, like "Mom and Toddler Workout", "Pilates for Mommy and Me" and "Kicking it With My Kids".
#6- An easy and cost effective way to get in some toning exercises at home is to invest in a set of resistance tubes and do exercises from your living room, basement, or wherever. They are extremely light, portable, and provide a great workout. Prevention magazine ran an article on how they were the most effective body sculpting workout and even included some exercises (http://www.prevention.com/cda/article/we-found-it-the-fastest-way-to-sculpt/df90c5bd0d115110VgnVCM10000013281eac____/fitness/exercise.equipment/balls.and.bands/0/0/1)
#6- Sometimes I sneak in exercises when I am out running errands. When I am at the mall I take an extra lap around, or zig zag back and forth between stores to increase the distance I walk.
#7- There is a great book that on this topic. It is called Lean Mommy by Lisa Druxman. It specifically addresses getting back into shape after having children and includes exercises that can be done with your child, either in the stroller or a front-pack carrier. I have a copy that I am willing to share if anyone wants to borrow it.

shamers said...

Sue Lyons writes, "I'm a member of the Washington Sports Club (WSC) in
Bradley Shopping Center. They have baby sitting from 9am-1pm, Mon-Sat. I get most of my work-outs in this way.

I'm happy to talk to anyone who might be interested in joining. I'd love a workout buddy too!"