Thursday, December 20, 2007

have a holly, jolly christmas

I just had to post Lulu's visit to Santa yesterday. I don't think he was a favorite of ours.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

New Years for the under-five set

How will you celebrate New Years with the kids this year? Our little one was too young to care last year (and honestly probably is this year, too), but we'll do something to let her join in the fun. My family had our own New Years celebration at 8pm, 9pm or 10pm on New Years Eve -- late enough for the staying up to be a treat, but early enough to allow for parents or teenagers with plans to get to their other parties. We toasted with Martinelli's sparkling cider and played games together, and then had our own countdown to the appointed hour and sometimes a balloon drop. Will you do something special this year?

Post your ideas below and look for compiled answers in January's newsletter! Thanks, and be safe this season!

Friday, December 7, 2007

photos with Santa

I'm planning to go get emma's photo taken with Santa taken next week and I spent a couple hours today trying to find the best (cheapest?) place. Here is what I found:

Pentagon City, 703-415-5009: Santa is there generally 10a-8p every day (Sunday is 11-7). The girl I spoke to didn't know the pricing for photos, and there's no info on their website.

Tysons Corner Center, 703-847-7300: Santa is there 10a-8p every day (Sunday is 1-6). Their cheapest package is $11.99 for one 5x7. I didn't speak to anyone there, but I'm sure you could also use your own camera to take photos as long as you purchase a package. Kids get a "free gift." More info here.

Potomac Mills, 703-499-9128: Santa is there 10a-9p Monday through Saturday. Their cheapest package is $16.99 for one 5x7, and you can also use your own camera to take photos as long as you purchase a package. Kids get a free reindeer antler headband. More info here.

Landmark Mall, 703-813-8999: Santa is there from 10a-9p Monday through Saturday (Sunday 11-8). Their cheapest package is $12.99, and the girl on the phone told me you can use your own camera and you don't even have to buy a package! More info here.

For most of these Santa does take hour-long breaks around 1 and 5, but you can check individual websites or call before you go.

And, I'm getting my Christmas tree tomorrow! (Well, we are.) Anyone have any suggestions of a close, friendly, well-stocked lot? We'd prefer to support a non-profit or charitable organization (Boy Scouts, Jaycees, a local church...), but we'll take any tips!


Update: We had a great experience at Landmark. There was no one else waiting to see Santa when we went, and he took extra time to try to make the baby comfortable so she'd sit with him. No dice, of course, but we did end up opting to buy the cheap package so we could get this photo (and crop mommy out, of course):